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We are 100% committed to our audience: promoting with us is promoting with trust.

The KCOR Digital Radio Network wants to offer those with a voice and an idea a chance to get their show aired with a very unique pricing structure.

Reach millions of educated listeners worldwide through our targeted advertising packages. In today’s world, with so many choices, spending your advertising dollars wisely is always a concern. With the KCOR Digital Radio Network, you can promote your brand with confidence through superior placements and sponsorship opportunities across our web and mobile channels, as well as through are network of publishers, broadcasters, and corporate websites.

The KCOR Digital Radio Network is constantly expanding and growing its footprint within the digital world not just locally in Las Vegas, NV but also around the world with thousands of listeners worldwide in over 106 different countries. We continue to see constant growth among our web presence with millions of hits to our website monthly as well as thousands of downloads of our current broadcasters’ archives. Each month our unique live listener base steadily grows by the thousands with an average listening time of 7.5 hours a week per person. In addition, our unique collections of live as well as podcasted shows cover a wide spectrum of demographics suited for just about any product.

And if that wasn’t enough…

The KCOR Digital Radio Network is a Paid Programming Network run by radio professionals all with over 20 years in broadcasting in local as well as national markets. Host(s) having to pay a monthly for the airtime on the network whether they are live or podcasted shows define the term “Paid Programming”. This also includes any syndicated shows pulled from other Networks unless arrange with the Programming Director of The KCOR Digital Radio Network.

We handle all business in a first-come/first-serve basis with all contracts renewed on a monthly basis. Availability of airtime changes regularly and we highly value the relationships we build with the hosts and shows in our markets both locally and nationally. We offer three different price options at the Network, but our subject to formatting requirements for the network so please make sure to read the description carefully.

Once you purchase airtime with us, it is our goal to ensure you receive the highest level of professional service and support to ensure your program airs as requested and that each week your viewers know they can listen to the program as expected. Unlike much of our competition, your program is not considered just another “paid program”, but becomes part of a family of broadcasters. We do not pre-empt your program for higher paying clients or adjust our schedules in a way that effects your programming. Our goal is to ensure a long, profitable, and successful relationship between both the Network and the host(s) collaborating with us to reach our audience with your message locally in the Vegas Market as well as Worldwide.

Not many terrestrial or digital radio networks can make such a claim.

Our current Paid Programming Broadcasting Options are listed below as well as current airtime availability; however, it is always best to check Tina Marie Caouette the Network’s Program Director as the airtime changes regularly at or call 702-425-9230. We look forward to hearing from you and working with you to building a strong, long-term relationship!





The KCOR Network format for this PODCAST package only includes 3 minutes of News at the top of the hour as well as 30 seconds of local Weather. KCOR will also include Commercials/PSAs/Station ID/Disclaimer at the top of hour until six minutes past :06, which is the start time of paid programing as well as a 15-second Network ID at the top of every hour at 59:45. If your Podcast exceeds our formatted time slots, we can make arrangements if the show is consistent week to week with timing. We can also bring in your show LIVE from another network as long as you have a working Show Clock, an good quality affiliate stream and stick to the scheduled breaks and start times as all breaks will be automated. You will also receive any donations that come in exclusively geared toward your show. Below is what the station will cover. Agreements start on a month-to-month bases but may extended out to a year.

Below is just an outline of the package and not implied as part of the contract. Any and all details will be included within an Agreement which must be signed by both parties before becoming enforceable. The network can accomidate a variety of show lengths but are subject to availability as well as additional cost so please check with your account executive.


  • Weekly show billed monthly starting at $30 not to exceed three hours.
  • Network will supply bandwidth for unlimited online live listeners.
  • Fifty (55:45) live minutes max per hour. One minimum rebroadcast a week pending available airtime and placed in the lineup upon the discretion of the Network. The Network reserves the right to rebroadcast additional shows without fees. Clients requesting additional rebroadcast above what the Network is willing to offer or specifying a specific rebroadcast time may pay an additional fee at a discounted rate. Please see your Network Account Executive.
  • One free page designed and updated on the Network’s website, Additional pages maybe added upon request and updated for a set fee. Please see your Network Account Executive. Network will make changes to page weekly within reason. If weekly changes become extensive and exceed two hours’ worth of work, additional fees may apply.
  • You can purchase Business cards with Network ID on one side and your Show ID on the other for an additional cost. Please see your Network Account Executive for current pricing.
  • Network will, upon your request; seek advertisers for your show. Any Advertiser Fees Schedule “C” is included in all Agreements. Client may secure his/her own advertisers at his/her own rates. All advertisers are subject to FCC and Network’s rules and regulations.
  • Network will produce a 30-60 second Promotional Commercial that will air weekly at minimum fourteen (14) times. Network reserves the right to determine the best times weekly for these commercial. The host(s) may supply their own commercial for show as long as it includes text required from the Network and is Produce in High Quality as stated by Network Executive. In the future, any additional imaging needed will be charged at the current hourly rate at the discretion of the Network. Host(s) will be made aware of charges before any work is sent to the Production Team.
  • Network will produce a Digital Banner as well as Digital Flyer for use in promotions. The host(s) may supply their own banner for the show as long as it includes text required from the Network and is Produce in High Quality and sized according as stated by Network Executive.
  • Network will control all broadcast engineering aspects of the show via our Network Studio unless otherwise arranged ahead of time with show host(s) in writing.
  • Network will use its social media outlets to promote the show weekly.
  • The Network reserves the right to artistic control of any material exclusively produced by the Network. The Network retains the right to record, photograph, archive, or video tape the event/broadcast for promotional use. Unless otherwise noted, the Network maintains ownership of the master material and can use the original video/audio or reproductions for display, public broadcast, publication or other purposes. This includes, but is not limited to DVD/CD Reproductions and Custom Graphics, except in the case of supplied Podcasts. That material is copyright to the podcaster and hosts and KCOR Digital Radio Network retains no rights to said Podcast.
  • Network will monitor chat as well as give host(s) administrative control during their show in chat if they choose to use our chat services. If the Podcast is just a rebroadcast and not live than Network reserves the right to be absent as chat moderators during the show time. However, host is more than welcome to hang out in our chat room.



The KCOR Network format for this package includes News at the top of the hour including Weather. KCOR will also include Commercials/PSAs/Station ID/Disclaimer at the top of hour until :06, which is the start time of paid programing. Three minutes of Commercials/PSAs are added at the bottom of the hour for the :30 break as well as a 15-second Network ID at the top of every hour at 59:45. You own the exclusive rights to your show and may distribute your show on any digital medium. The Network asked in order to increase page hits to your show that you link to your archives on our site, which will remain free unless otherwise agreed upon in a contract. You will also receive any donations that come in exclusively geared toward your show. Below is what the station will cover. Agreements start on a month-to-month bases but may extended out to a year.

Below is just an outline of the package and not implied as part of the contract. Any and all details will be included within an Agreement which must be signed by both parties before becoming enforceable. The network can accomidate a variety of show lengths but are subject to availablity as well as additional cost so please check with your account executive.


  • Weekly show billed at a cost of $20 first hour $10 for each additional hour not to exceed three hours.
  • Network will supply bandwidth for unlimited online live listeners.
  • Network will maintain a Podcast page on our website with recent show(s) posted within 24 hours of broadcast. Show(s) will have 50 Gigabytes of storage space for archived shows. Network reserves the right to increase this without fees; however, significant breach of this storage space may result in additional fees added to future shows and Agreements.
  • Fifty-one (51) live minutes max per hour (Prerecorded Segment 1 – 24 minutes/ Segment 2 – 27 minutes) for your show via pre-recorded audio, phone, Skype, or in studio unless otherwise detailed. One minimum rebroadcast a week pending available airtime and placed in the lineup upon the discretion of the Network. The Network reserves the right to rebroadcast additional shows without fees. Clients requesting additional rebroadcast above what the Network is willing to offer or specifying a specific rebroadcast time may pay an additional fee at a discounted rate. Please see your Network Account Executive.
  • One free page designed and updated on the Network’s website, Additional pages maybe added upon request and updated for a set fee. Please see your Network Account Executive. Network will make changes to page weekly within reason. If weekly changes become extensive and exceed two hours’ worth of work, additional fees may apply.
  • You can purchase Business cards with Network ID on one side and your Show ID on the other for an additional cost. Please see your Network Account Executive for current pricing.
  • Network will, upon your request; seek advertisers for your show. Any Advertiser Fees Schedule “C” is included in all Agreements. Client may secure his/her own advertisers at his/her own rates. All advertisers are subject to FCC and Network’s rules and regulations.
  • Network will produce all needed show imaging including opening, closing, and bumper music. Host(s) will have final say in all production works. The host(s) may supply their own imaging for show. In the future, any additional imaging needed will be charged at the current hourly rate at the discretion of the Network. Host(s) will be made aware of charges before any work is sent to the Production Team.
  • Network will produce a Digital Banner as well as Digital Flyer for use in promotions.
  • Network will control all broadcast engineering aspects of the show via our Network Studio unless otherwise arranged ahead of time with show host(s) in writing.
  • Network will use its social media outlets to promote the show weekly.
  • Network will produce a 30-40 second Promotional Commercial that will air weekly at minimum twelve (12) times. Network reserves the right to determine the best times weekly for these commercial spots.
  • The Network reserves the right to artistic control of any material exclusively produced by the Network. The Network retains the right to record, photograph, archive, or video tape the event/broadcast for promotional use. Unless otherwise noted, the Network maintains ownership of the master material and can use the original video/audio or reproductions for display, public broadcast, publication or other purposes. This includes, but is not limited to DVD/CD Reproductions and Custom Graphics.
  • Network will monitor chat as well as give host(s) administrative control during their show in chat.



The KCOR Network format for this package includes News at the top of the hour including Weather. KCOR will also include Commercials/PSAs/Station ID/Disclaimer at the top of hour until :06, which is the start time of paid programing. Three minutes of Commercials/PSAs normally at the bottom of the hour will be removed and no Network break at :30 will be taken out, however we will still have a 15-second Network ID at the top of every hour at 59:45. You own the exclusive rights to your show and may distribute your show on any digital medium. The Network asked in order to increase page hits to your show that you link to your archives on our site, which will remain free unless otherwise agreed upon in a contract. You will also receive any donations that come in exclusively geared toward your show. Below is what the station will cover. Agreements start on a month-to-month bases but may extended out to a year.

Below is just an outline of the package and not implied as part of the contract. Any and all details will be included within an Agreement which must be signed by both parties before becoming enforceable. The network can accommodate a variety of show lengths but are subject to availability as well as additional cost so please check with your account executive.


  • Weekly show billed at a cost of $30 first hour $20 for each additional hour not to exceed three hours.
  • Network will supply bandwidth for unlimited online live listeners.
  • Network will maintain a Podcast page on our website with recent show(s) posted within 24 hours of broadcast. Show(s) will have 100 Gigabytes of storage space for archived shows. Network reserves the right to increase this without fees; however, significant breach of this storage space may result in additional fees added to future shows and Agreements.
  • Fifty-four(54) live minutes max per for your show via pre-recorded audio, phone, Skype, or in studio unless otherwise detailed. One minimum rebroadcast a week pending available airtime and placed in the lineup upon the discretion of the Network. The Network reserves the right to rebroadcast additional shows without fees. Clients requesting additional rebroadcast above what the Network is willing to offer or specifying a specific rebroadcast time may pay an additional fee at a discounted rate. Please see your Network Account Executive.
  • One free page designed and updated on the Network’s website, Additional pages maybe added upon request and updated for a set fee. Please see your Network Account Executive. Network will make changes to page weekly within reason. If weekly changes become extensive and exceed two hours’ worth of work, additional fees may apply.
  • You can purchase Business cards with Network ID on one side and your Show ID on the other for an additional cost. Please see your Network Account Executive for current pricing.
  • Network will, upon your request; seek advertisers for your show. Any Advertiser Fees Schedule “C” is included in all Agreements. Client may secure his/her own advertisers at his/her own rates. All advertisers are subject to FCC and Network’s rules and regulations.
  • Network will produce all needed show imaging including opening, closing, and bumper music. Host(s) will have final say in all production works. The host(s) may supply their own imaging for show. In the future, any additional imaging needed will be charged at the current hourly rate at the discretion of the Network. Host(s) will be made aware of charges before any work is sent to the Production Team.
  • Network will produce a Digital Banner as well as Digital Flyer for use in promotions.
  • Network will control all broadcast engineering aspects of the show via our Network Studio unless otherwise arranged ahead of time with show host(s) in writing.
  • Network will use its social media outlets to promote the show weekly.
  • Network will produce a 30-60 second Promotional Commercial that will air weekly at minimum twelve (12) times. Network reserves the right to determine the best times weekly for these commercial spots.
  • The Network reserves the right to artistic control of any material exclusively produced by the Network. The Network retains the right to record, photograph, archive, or video tape the event/broadcast for promotional use. Unless otherwise noted, the Network maintains ownership of the master material and can use the original video/audio or reproductions for display, public broadcast, publication or other purposes. This includes, but is not limited to DVD/CD Reproductions and Custom Graphics.
  • Network will monitor chat as well as give host(s) administrative control during their show in chat.0

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