It’s been over a year since KCOR Radio was no longer an active live on air radio network. During that time the network was shut down, sold, reacquired, rebranded and now on its way to being relaunched in 2025.
- As you can see the site got a facelift. We are hoping that the pop out player as well as chat room should make it an easier experience not just on your computer but also on your phone.
- We have reworked our show, podcast and events tabs.
- Clicking on shows will show you who is currently on air as well as who is scheduled for the day.
- Podcast Archives have also been reworked with current archived shows filtered to the top by date as well as links to search just the shows you want to see the archives for…this is still a work in progress.
- The Events tab with have upcoming guest information as well as dates and times the show will air.
- One of the biggest changes as this network is now under the wings of Westside Trains & Hobbies. We plan on airing music while store hours are in session along with promotional material for the store. Thus no live shows during that time, at least for now.
There are still a lot of features we will be adding and might be removing or tweaking as we relaunch this network. As always your feedback is always welcomed.
- We still have an array of music as well as talk shows that we pull in via remote or podcast. The times for many of these shows have or will be changed in the future.
- We are working on bring back some of the hosts you listened to and loved over the years. That being said, due to the hours of Westside Trains & Hobbies some of these shows might have to find a new night or time to air.
- We still plan on hosting the archives for the shows on KCOR and this time they will remain free. That being said please make sure to donate to help these shows offset their cost to be on KCOR Radio.
- There will be a place to continue to show your support and donate to the network. These donations help to offset the costs of running KCOR Radio and to provide many more features moving forward.
- At some point we will be bring back our store which will allow you to buy KCOR Radio as well as Hosts merchandise.
The Network is back under the control of Tina Marie Caouette. However, due to her commitment to Westside Trains & Hobbies she will be limited to the number of shows she can produce live.
Anyway, enjoy everyone as we slowly roll away the new KCOR Radio Network in 2025.
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